Selected Publications by Genre (and My Best Guess at Subgenre)*
*Story is available for free online.
"The Transubstantiation", Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Grimdark)*
"Dairokuten Mao", SNAFU: Holy War (Historical Fantasy)*
"Carpe Caput", Heroic Fantasy Quarterly (Sword & Sorcery)*
"Winter Luck", Heroic Fantasy Quarterly (Historical Fantasy)*
"The Duty of Birds", The Year After Magazine (Historical Fantasy)*
"The Shadows of Teutoburg," SNAFU: Resurrection, Cohesion Press (Historical Fantasy)
"Imago Mundi," As Told by Things, Atthis Arts (Epic Fantasy)
"Every House, A Home," Utter Fabrication, Mad Scientist's Journal (Urban Fantasy)
"How Lovely is the Silence of Growing Things," Apex (Weird Fiction)*
"When We Go," Beneath Ceaseless Skiesm (Grimdark)*
"Mouth of the Jaguar," (Hummingbird Cycle #1) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly (Sword and Sorcery)*
"Between Sea and Flame," (Hummingbird Cycle #2) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly (Sword and Sorcery)*
"Riders of the Epochalypse," Stupefying Stories (Humor)*
"The Uncarved Heart," Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Heroic Fantasy)*
"An Open Letter to the Free Rulers of Erathon From Xagaz Widowbane, Eighth of Her Name, Eater-of-the-World, Arch-Hypnocrat, Despoiler Magnus, Empress of Weeping Skulls, Defender of Filth, Defenestrator General, and so forth...," Daily Science Fiction (Humor)*
"No Gods but Men," Fantasy Scroll (Grimdark)*
"Nothing Less Rare, Nor Precious," Flash Fiction Online (Magical Realism)*
"Running the Night Whiskey," The Devourer Below Anthology, Aconyte Publishing, July 2020
"The Parlor," Tales from the Crust, Dark Moon Press, August 2019
"All of Us Told, All of It Real." Strange Horizons, May 2018 (Weird Fiction)*
"All That Moves Us," Open Lines, Turn to Ash, February 2017 (Weird Tale)
"Cul De-Sac Virus," Autumn Cthulhu, April 2016 (Weird Tale)
"Melpomene's Heirs," Unlikely Story, February 2016 (Literary Horror)
"Destroyer of Worlds," Stupefying Stories, August 2016 (Historical Horror)
"Gently Down the Stream." The Lovecraft eZine, Summer 2015 (Weird Tale)*
"Cold Comfort," Daily Science Fiction, 2014 (Sci-fi Horror)*
"Saturday," Shock Totem, 2014 (Weird Tale)
"Second to Last Stop," Stupefying Stories, October 2013 (Supernatural Horror)
"And They Did Live by Watchfires," The Lovecraft eZine, July 2013 (Sci-fi Horror)*
"Twenty to Life in the Lonesome October," Lovecraft eZine, October 2012 (Weird Tale)*
"The Boston Look," Innsmouth Magazine, Innsmouth Free Press, November 2012 (Horror Comedy)*
Science Fiction
"Taketori Momogatari," Upon Once, A Time, Air & Nothingness Press, April 2021 (Sci-fi Fable)
"We Remembered Better," Analog, December 2020 (Hard(ish) Sci-fi)
"Generations Lost and Found," Analog, July 2018 (Hard(ish) Sci-fi)
"Apocalypses, Now!" Enter the Aftermath, TANSTAAFL Press, February 2018 (Military Sci-fi)
"The Life You Want, But With Sharks," (co-written with Leslie Anderson) Sharkasaurus, Fossil Lake, June 2017 (Sci-fi Comedy)
"The Redshirt's Daughter," Daily Science Fiction, March 2017 (Space Opera)*
"How I Killed Your Mother," Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, July 2016 (Space Opera)
"A Universe of Talk," Young Explorer's Adventure Guide, March 2015 (Young Adult)
"Citizen of the Galaxy," Analog, 2014 (Space Opera)