Podcasts (Subgenre)*
*All stories available for free download.
"The Parlor," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"The Taking Tree," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"Giving up the Ghost," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"The Grove," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"Cul-De-Sac Virus," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"Second to Last Stop," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"Best Left Buried," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"Destroyer of Worlds," Tales to Terrify (Historical Horror)
"Every House, A Home," PodCastle (Urban Fantasy)
"All that Moves Us," The NoSleep Podcast (Supernatural Horror)
"All of Us Told, All of It Real," Strange Horizons (Weird Tale)
"The Titan's Daughter," Gallery of Curiosities (Steampunk - co-written with Shannon Rampe)
"The Taking Tree," Pseudopod (Supernatural Horror)
"How I Killed Your Mother," StarshipSofa (Space Opera)
"Mouth of the Jaguar," Far-Fetched Fables (Sword and Sorcery)
"Of the Fittest," Tales to Terrify (Weird Tale)
"Why They're Never About the Good Ones," Cast of Wonders (Young Adult Fantasy)
"How Lovely is the Silence of Growing Things," Apex7 (Weird Tale)
"The Uncarved Heart," Beneath Ceaseless Skies (Heroic Fantasy)
"Citizen of the Galaxy," StarshipSofa (Space Opera)
"Saturday," Pseudopod (Weird Tale)
"Moving Away," Toasted Cake Podcast (Science Fiction)
"Paradise Left," Escape Pod (Science Fiction)