Autumn Is Coming

Just got word from Mike Davis that my story "Cul Du-Sac Virus" is going to be included in his Autumn Cthulhu anthology. As an avowed lover of Autumn (there really is no better season) I'm both honored and excited to have one of my stories among the leaves.





Entries in Apex (1)


My Unreal Month(s)

In keeping with the feast or famine nature of publication, April-May has seen quite a few of my stories pop up online and in print after a relative dearth in the first few months of 2017. That may sound detached, but trust me, I'm about to bite my thumbs off in excitement.

Allow me to explain:

You see, while I buy a lot of genre mags and anthologies, I don't really read many of them, at least on the regular. I mean, I'd love to, but I just don't have the time to devour tens of thousands of words of fiction every month?

There are three publications I read every time they drop an issue. Not just because the fiction is top-notch, but because I can count on an enjoyable and thought-provoking read just about every time. What are these three magical 'zines? Well…Apex, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and F&SF.

So, imagine my delight when the last few weeks saw my work appear in not one but TWO of these august publications. Beneath Ceaseless Skies published my second-world fantasy: "When We Go," and Apex Issue 96 featured my post-apocalytpic weird tale: "How Lovely is the Silence of Growing Things." Add to this the fact that Apex also did a podcast of my work, interviewed me, and picked a cover that complements my story (shown on the right). Oh, and did I mention my tongue-in-cheek post-modern Star Trek-themed satire "The Redshirt's Daughter" appeared in Daily Science Fiction?

Cue thumb biting.